Sunday, April 10, 2011

Cracking Your Retirement Nest Egg (Without Scrambling Your Finances): 25 Things You Must Know Before You Tap Your 401(k), IRA, or Other Retirement Savings Plan

Cracking Your Retirement Nest Egg (Without Scrambling Your Finances): 25 Things You Must Know Before You Tap Your 401(k), IRA, or Other Retirement Savings Plan Review

Cracking Your Retirement Nest Egg (Without Scrambling Your Finances): 25 Things You Must Know Before You Tap Your 401(k), IRA, or Other Retirement Savings Plan Feature

  • Finances and Retirement Advise
So what do you do with the money you've saved? When it comes to retirement savings, the message you always hear is "save, save, save." Investment advice is "grow, grow, grow." But what happens when you reach that day when it is time to write your own retirement paycheck? Where do you start? How do you turn your savings into income? Do you know which resources to tap first? In light of the recent tax law changes, how can you be tax smart about your retirement income? And where can you turn for simple, clear advice about the complex IRS rules and regulations that you must follow when withdrawing from your savings?

Most of us don't know what to do when faced with all these questions. Cracking Your Retirement Nest Egg takes the entire spectrum of advice for the period leading up to and into retirement, distills it into the 25 most important things one needs to know to begin retirement on solid financial ground, and presents the investment guidance of some of the top planners in the country.

If you are one of the millions of baby boomers hitting 50, 55, and beyond, and have to make these important decisions, you need to consult this book before cracking your retirement nest egg.

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