Sunday, June 19, 2011

Kids and Money: Giving Them the Savvy to Succeed Financially (Bloomberg Personal Bookshelf (Paperback))

Kids and Money: Giving Them the Savvy to Succeed Financially (Bloomberg Personal Bookshelf (Paperback)) Review

If you've ever worried about whether your child will handle money responsibly and become self-sufficient, worry no more. Jayne Pearl shows you how to "gimme-proof" your kids to help them develop the discipline they ll need to manage their own finances.

It includes great advice from parents, psychologists, teachers and other experts on allowances, getting to kids to want to save instead of forcing them to do so, transforming shopping trips from battles to fun learning experiences, innoculating them against questionable values the acquire from the media and friends, and helping kids land their first job.
For parents of kids anywhere from preschool to college, this book is a rich resource for launching your children on the road to financial success.

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